Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Let me introduce myself- Part 2 (Hi, My Name is...)

What's in a name? Well if you're me- a lot! So why 32FlavoursOfHumanity?

32FlavoursOfHumanity- clearly an internet moniker since I'm not sure how much of my identity I want to share yet. My name is inspired by an Ani Difranco song 32 Flavours and then some... meaning I'm more than the standard chocolate/vanilla of life and even go beyond the mixed up jumble of Rocky Road or Praline Supreme. I'm inside and outside the box, I'm complex and simple, I'm unique and I confirm- I bare the stamp of all of humanity- but wear it in my own "culture of one" way. Yea- it's deep and it's not- I hope you get where I'm going with it. There are some ways I choose to identify, but I can't be defined by any one or all of my identities- what binds me to all of the world is my humanity. I am different yet I am the same- but aren't we all?

1 comment:

  1. Yes we all are! Really like your intro. There is enough to sense you but not "know" you. I don't think anyone can ever "know" us completely....anyway. Happy writing. Keep writing!
